Our collocation on the first page of most important Search Engines, wich
one knows to be a technical fact more than of value, has attracted the
attention of some cultural web sites who have kindly given hospitality
to our web site either for the arguments we want divulgate or because
these arguments are objects of eleven books wich are on line and can be
downloaded free of charge.
New humanism and Sartre's moral, with historical comparisons of "Heretic's
refusal" and with poetical comparison of "The generetion betrayed"
begin to arouse interest and appreciatoins.
But our books are only in italian language and a translation in various
languages can surely increase the divulgation of cultural themes.
I appeal, therefore, to somebody wish to be sponsor of these translations.
These sponsors could see increased the prestige of their public image
do to the fact that we shall send on line these translations which, as
the italian books, will be downloaded without expenses.
They could also make to print our books in illustrated edition of high
artistic value and to present them to everybody want to do, or to promote,
offers to a Fund of European Commision of Bruxelles for the work's development
in the poor countries of the Third World.
Consequently the new humanism should not be only the ethical indication
of the freedom but should find also pratical application in the oppressed's
The pubblic image of the sponsor will have more prestige because their
name shall appear on all the translated books and on all editions of high
artistic value.