Object of such a communication is to do some explications on the themes
we want divulgate.
What is new humanism? It is the restarting of humanism after the fall
of human being in the transcendence.
Human being rediscoveres by Descartes the uman side as reality and not
only as mankind. The nothing which wraps such a reality and isolates it
has, by Descartes, a name: freedom.
Consequently the new humanism becomes the discovery of existence as freedom.
I.e. existence, choice and freedom are synonymous.
What is Sartre's moral? Due to the man is freedom, it is necessary to
protect it from the alienation,that is the "other" in our conscience
in order to subjugate our freedom. It is necessary to free the freedom
from the alienation because there is not freedom without liberation.
Such a liberation is Sartre's moral.
One can deduce that human being, liberty and moral are indivisibles and that Sartre's moral is the concluding
part of the search on the new humanism.
We have on line eleven books. Between these "Nuovo Umanesimo"
and "La morale di Satre" that you can download without expenses on
your computer.
It is our purpose to divulgate these arguments that we consider the european
cultur of our age. And I hope that who likes such a cultur can collaborate
in this enterprise.