such a communication we are sending on line « Intermezzi per Saffo e
Alcèo » (« Interludes for Sapphos and Alceus »), a
« pièce » at three voices, one of the narrator (as the Greek
chorus), one of Sappho and one of Alceus. The fragments are our free
interpretation in tuning with the life of the two poets.
Such a « pièce » is preceded, as you will have
constatate, by three monologues on the subjects of Myths, authentic or not
authentic. The first, authentic on the Youth, is represented by the last
poem (« The boulevard of Nymphs ») of « Betrayed
generation », followed by two ballads on the not authentic myths.
These « pièces », at one or at three voices, are
easily represented in the same classrooms. By this way the arguments,
already largely known, will be never forgotten. |