
It is our purpose to show you this Web-site as a real Center of ethic, historic and poetic informations that european cultur of freedom, object of our divulgation, can explain so easy as possible.
We introduce consequently a synthesis of such a culture i. e. the works already on line, with the purpose of making easier the knowledge of what shall follow.


We have divided in three parts the exposure of such a culture giving to each of them basic values for the following.


"New humanism" and "Sartre's moral" (with appendix on Condorcet and his "Esquisse …") put freedom as matrix of all values and History and Moral as interdipendents between them. So man is never subject or reflection as Hegel or Marx thought, but he becomes an ethic subject and the struggle between freedom and alienation (which is negation of freedom) becomes at the same time historical dialectic and person's moral drame. In addition Memory (from which History borns) shall reveal History's immortality and moral reflection shall lead to Creation and to Mith's eternity. This is, in extreme synthesis, the european culture of our age and Ethic as most important part of nowadays philosophy.


"The heteric's refusal" is the materialization of dialectic alienation/liberation as it results from six historical searches upon five italian towns (Castelseprio, Milan, Monza, Sirmione, Umbria). We find such a materialization during the centuries in all Europe. The refusal is not only against the different thought of the "other" but, specially and before all, against the fact that "the other" thinks. It is negation of "Cartesian Cogito".


"The generation betrayed" is simply the actual expression of heteric's refusal putting it as beginning of our age's history. Only leaving from this beginning it shall be possible to narrate the entire history up to today. It is the interpretation's key of last fifthy years of hystory. Without that, all historians should fall in the not authenticity and in historicity (that is the negation of the thruth). The books that shall follow on line shall make stronger this idea also finding analogies into the origins of our Civilization.


As particular note it is important to explain the "existential surrealism", i.e. the expressive form of poetry and art qualified to represent our age. Each age, it is know, always expressed its own form. So our age where represent not that who appears to him but the freedom who lives in it whit all the struggles, the sense of existence (that is freedom) and the vision of world. In other words, he sees, besides the apparent reality, a superior realism (i.e. surrealism) where in the middle stays the drame of human existence.
This is the "existential surrealism". My poems, as my photos, are expressed by such a form. I also have been "comdamned" from the culture that I am divulgating and from the age of which I am witness.
