Why the "heretic's refusal" in the cultural history of italian
men? In my history researches such a conflict appears so usual as it becomes
the real dialectic movement of the history:
The beginning was of religious nature but this conflict, during the centuries,
became human intolerance with the meaning we know.
Some times the religious nature reappears as you can constatate also in
our time. Religions and absolute powers have always fighted the humanism
and specially its going up again after the fall.
My searches are limited to some italian communites but I think that such
a kind of dialectic movement can be applied to the cultural european history.
In any case I am sure that more the peolples will increase their knowledges
more the intolerance shall be reduced.
All that until religions will understand to be a fact of the individual
conscience and until the absolute powers shall be knocked down in order
to open for all the peoples the road of democracy.