Little Mary is a world affair:
a challenge of barbarity between Bielorussie and Italy.
You must save little Mary!
In Bielorussie a little girl named Mary, ten years old, was tortured and violated in a State orphanage. Succeeded to save herself in Italy, italian “carabinieri” arrested with a blitz the little girl consigning her to her torturers in Bielorussie. This are the facts, i.e. a challenge of barbarity between Bielorussie and Italy.
Now what tribunal shall have to judge such a crime against humanity?
Russie, egemonic power in its Region, has covered Bielorussie. Europe, leader in regards of Italy, don’t exist and no european State, in name or not of Europe, has declared his judgement. UNO has clearly expressed its judgement giving a seat to Italy in the Security Council. Security of who?
Of little Mary, now in the hands of her torturers and consequently in danger of life for fault of Italy?
It remains only to confide to sweet heart of Condoleezza Rice who, as representative of the greatest world power can ask to an international tribunal to order Bielorussie to free immediately the little girl transfering her in a neutral Country (as Switzerland) and incriminates bielorussien and italian authorities for crimes against human rights.
Little Mary is a world affair because crimes against humanity are a world affair.